Nuclear War and Nuclear Fear in the 1970s and 1980s Journal of Contemporary History January 2011 46: 136-149,doi:10.1177/0022009410383298 This article looks primarily at a series of interviews carried out by John Hines of the BDM Corporation between 1990 and 1994 for the Pentagon, the full text of which is available online . The article is about the set of documents created by Hines called " Soviet Intentions, 1965–1985 " and looks at Soviet intentions, policies and fears over the use of nuclear weapons over that 20 year period. In this remarkable set of interviews of senior Soviet figures gives a very different insight into the Soviet machine which is completely different to Western interpretations of Soviet nuclear intent over this period. Much of the self-serving Western propaganda of that period frequently portrayed the Soviet Union as the aggressors and numerous films described this block as having a political agenda of world domination. These interviews p...